Monday, March 27, 2023

What does the number 1 mean in gematria

The number one is widely used in Gematria, a system of writing that assigns numerical values to letters, words, and phrases in Hebrew and Greek. Gematria is an ancient practice rooted in Jewish mysticism that has a variety of interpretations and implications. In Gematria, the number one is often interpreted as symbolizing God's unity and absolute power.

In Jewish mysticism, God is seen to have three main aspects – Ayn Sof (the limitless), Elohim (the Divine principle), and Tzimtzum (the self-contraction). Ayn Sof is associated with the number one because it symbolizes absolute unity. Elohim and Tzimtzum are deemed less significant numbers because they represent the division or fragmentation of creation. As such, the number one can signify God's oneness, godhead or sovereignty over all creation.

In Greek occultism – which is sometimes referred to as "Mystery School" – Gematria holds even deeper meanings. It can be used to calculate numerical equations that can give insight into universal truths. For example, an equation involving the number one can represent a person's life path or destiny. Additionally, some scholars suggest that knowledge of Gematria helps discern information regarding the divine realm or spiritual realm – possibly secret messages from higher powers. This practice is typically referred to as Theomatics (Divine Mathematics) or Angelic Scripting: the attempt to divine secrets from arcane symbols found within a mysterious script revealed by angels or other divine entities.

It might therefore come as no surprise that some Christians have adopted this system of numerology since Jesus himself was reported to use it on occasion. In Orthodox Christianity, for instance, various sacred scriptures may allude to numeric patterns denoted by multiples of 1 – therefore further reinforcing its symbolism for faith and religious order throughout history's many religions and cultures.

See more about gematria numbers

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